Conditions Treated

Frozen Shoulder

This condition is marked by an inability to lift the arm fully overhead or behind the back. It feels like one's arm has lost its range of movement. Often the condition shoulderis not painful until the arm becomes stressed, but by then, it is too late and the condition will require some treatment.

Treatment Plan

Phase I . Remodeling

The treatment involves reducing the swelling, breaking up the scar tissue and improving the range of motion.

Phase II . Re-education

This phase of treatment involves stretching and strengthening the muscles to improve posture and range of motion.

Phase III . Stabilization

This phase involves manipulating the joints focused to the spine, shoulder and all attachments. In this phase, repetition is the key to improving the condition and preventing any regression.

About Shoulder / Arm Pain

Common injuries of the shoulder/arm area are often the result of poor posture, muscle imbalances, or repetitive strain from daily activities such as carrying a shoulder bag. It is important not only to rehabilitate the affected muscles and joints, but also to provide the patient with alternatives for postures and movements that cause the problem.

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