Conditions Treated

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A condition that affects more and more people everyday with our heavy reliance on computers. It is usually caused by a pinched nerve in the wrist, or sometimes the neck; it is not always a particularly painful condition, but the patient will often complain of tingling and numbness, with a weakness to the thumb, index or middle finger. The condition can be worsened by repeated use of a keyboard and elbowsmouse, a hammer, a screwdriver, or even a pen or pencil.

Treatment Plan

The doctor will use a multitude of therapeutic procedures in order to reduce entrapment to the area of the wrist and forearm. We will advise the patient on the proper ergonomic changes they should employ at home and in the workplace in order to alleviate their existing condition.

About Elbows, Wrist, and Hand Pain

Injuries to the elbow, wrist, and hand areas commonly occur as a result of poor posture, physical injury, or repetitive physical strain. They can be rehabilitated with a combination of spinal mechanic exercises, relief from the aggravating activity, and braces and splints designed to alleviate pressure from affected areas.

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