Conditions Treated

Stress Fracture

Stress fractures are commonly seen in people engaging in high-impact activities such as running and gymnastics. A fracture will occur when the body is unable to repair itself in time to accept additional repetitive forces (i.e. marathon running). Pelvic imbalances will also create a condition where specific areas of the lower extremity are being forced to handle greater impact. Common sites of stress fracture include: the hip (femur), leg (tibia), heel knees(calcaneus), and foot (metatarsals).

Treatment Plan

The doctors will take an x-ray of the affected area, and in some cases a bone-scan, to find the exact site of fracture. Focus is then on rapid bone-healing through ultrasound. Flexibility stretches and non-weight-bearing exercises will be employed immediately to allow the athlete to return to activity quicker, with minimal de-training effects.

About Ankle, Foot, and Heel Pain

Injuries to the ankle, foot and heel areas, come about as a result of unequal bearing of weight by the legs and feet. These imbalances can often cause undue stress to be exerted on the joints of the feet and ankles.

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